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Diocesan Awards

7. OLG Award.png
5. St Bernardine.png
6. JPII Award.png

Friday, May 20, 2022

5:00 p.m.

Our Lady of the Rosary Cathedral 


1. St. Bernardine.png


St. Bernardine Award

3. OLG.png


Our Lady of Guadalupe


2. JPII.png


John Paul II Youth Award

This award is presented to a Church employee (parish or diocesan center) with at least 10 consecutive years of employment service, and who has significantly impacted the fulfillment of the vision and mission of the local church through exemplary and generous leadership and/or service.

Presented to individuals from the parish or members of the civic community who have demonstrated exemplary generosity, leadership and/or service beyond the scope of the parish for the common good of the diocesan or local civil communities. 

Presented in recognition, support, and encouragement to a young Catholic person from 16 to 20 years old, who actively demonstrates a deep commitment, responsibility, and outstanding voluntary service. This young person carries the spirit of St. John Paul II of building bridges among people and inspiring others to create peace and harmony.  

 Photo Gallery

Pictures of the event including individual pictures of the awardees receiving their awards from Bishop Rojas. The photos will be available on Tuesday, May 24, 2022. 

Livestream of Ceremony 

The entire Diocesan Awards live stream on YouTube will be available for you to watch after the ceremony. 

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