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Faith Formation & Sacramental Preparation

For more information on the Faith Formation sessions and Sacramental Preparation, please see the Religious Education Handbook. 


Para información sobre las clases de Formación de Fe y preparación para la Primera Reconciliación y Primera Eucaristía y Confirmación, descargue el manual. 


Faith Formation

Wednesday sessions in English (K-8th grades): $40 per student

Thursday sessions in Spanish (Grades 1-8): $40 per student


Sacramental Preparation
Preparation for First Reconciliation & Eucharist (2 year program)

add an additional $20, equalling $60 per child, in the second year of preparation for the sacraments.


High School Confirmation (2 year program)

Sessions are held on Sunday morning from 8 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. in the Conference Center.

First year: $60 with retreat expenses included. Second year: $95 with 2 days of reflection included. Add $20 if young person is also preparing for First Eucharist.


RCIA for Adults and Children

$20 plus and additional amount if you wish to purchase a Bible.  

Director: Caridad Santiago


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